
Orthomolecular Therapy /
IV Therapy

Health Really is the new Wealth

The concept coined by Dr. Linux Pauling, who received the Nobel Prize twice, is the nutrition that provides each patient with the optimal concentration of micro nutrients (Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, Hormones and Fatty Acids), seeking cell balance with customized protocols through formulas supplied in intravenous drips:

  • a. Anti Age & Gluthation
  • b. Menopause / Bioregulator
  • c. Picrin Formula
  • d. Immunological
  • e. Athlete Recover
  • f. Executive Shot
  • g. Shot Post Parties
  • h. Fat Burning Shot
  • i. Hepatic Detox
  • j. Neuronal and Cognitive Activation
  • k. Anti Stress / Mental Fatigue
  • l. DNA Anti Age1
  • m. Senior Formula


For the revitalization and cell regeneration, while detoxifying the liver and immediately improving the appearance and feeling of the skin, giving luminosity and firmness by action on elastin, it also improves energy and protects us from oxidation next to ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid ) which reduces inflammation, improves insulin sensitivity and protects neurons (antiaging effect).


From the detoxification of the basic organs: lymphatic, immune and endocrine system, and homeopathic stimulation, it achieves the best functioning and greater cellular protection, especially the endocrine system, with the modulation and bioregulation of hormones.


Eliminates heavy metals, replenishes nutrients and minerals and other substances such as L-Carnitine, vitamin D, Coenzyme Q10, which positively alter the metabolism, to facilitate weight loss, promote cell repair and increase energy.


Vitamin C, gluconates and others that seek to improve the immune system, increasing white blood cells and macrophages, is an- tibacterial, antiviral and antifungal. DMSO also increases the permeability of cell mem- branes, allowing the expulsion of toxins and allowing the passage of nutrients associated with the formula, aids in the conservation of the cell and is radioprotective. This formula protects against colds, stress, fatigue or the damage of a bad diet.


With L-Arginine, PQQ, N-Acetyl Cysteine. For high-performance athletes or people who play sports with high demands, all these substances favor energy production, avoid fatigue and help rapid recovery after training.


Ideal for flight attendants, people who make constant trips associated with work meetings, or simply with few hours of sleep or schedule changes.
This shot will help you return to your normal routine quickly and naturally, without the need for chemicals or stimulants that quietly damage your brain.
It deflates and detoxifies the muscles and other organs that contract with all the changes that the life of a good executive takes.


Excess alcohol induces a state of dehydration in the body by inhibiting the ADH hormone (antidiuretic hormone) secreted by the pituitary gland. The formula designed to rapidly rehydrate the body provides key nutrients such as folate (B9), riboflavin (B2), thiamine (B1), cobalamin (B12), zinc, magnesium and vitamin C to reduce the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal.


Fats break down into fatty acids, due to hormones such as cortisol, insulin, growth hormone and thyroid hormone. They are transferred by Carnitine to the mitochondria (cellular lung) and there they generate energy in the ATP form.
Methionine, Choline and Inositol play a vital role in the breakdown, transport and use of fat for energy. Inositol combined with choline produces lecithin, which helps break down fats such as cholesterol.


To enhance the enzymes and amino acids that protect and help cleanse the body, the liver is responsible for eliminating toxins such as paracetamol, alcohol, heavy metals and pesticides, through a process of “conjugation” that ensures that these substances do not harm the body. When we are exposed to a lot of environmental pollution, smog, high alcohol consumption, cigarette stress states, fatigue, fatty liver, or a weight loss program; The liver overloads its work and fails to eliminate all toxins and stores them, causing long-term health complications.


It combines the raw material of neurotransmitters, GABA, Serotonin, Dopamine, causing better disposition, less anxiety and better concentration. Sulfoxides are capable of inhibiting an enzyme that disintegrates acetylcholine, thus increasing both the level and duration of action of this important neurotransmitter. Acetylcholine is responsible for learning and memory, as well as being soothing and relaxing.


Zinc intake, B vitamins, coenzyme Q10, lecithin and natural anti-inflammatories that protect neurons, improve neuro plasticity and prevent damage from stress on the brain. It helps the pineal gland have a good production of melatonin regulating the sleep cycle, modulates the regulatory enzymes of ATP and stimulates the release of dopamine.

DNA. Anti Age & NAD IV Therapy 1

This formula acts directly on the DNA through the stimulation of Sirtuin (a protein that activates telomerase, which is what allows the telomere to be lengthened), thus slowing down the aging process. In addition, it revitalizes and regenerates at the cellular level, while detoxifying the liver and immediately improves the appearance and sensation of the skin, giving luminosity and firmness by action on elastin, also improves energy and protects us from oxidation next to ALA (Acid Alpha Lipoic) that reduces inflammation, improves insulin sensitivity and protects neurons (antiaging effect).


Through the compounds of this formula (amino acids, vitamins, hormonal and mineral precursors), it is sought to reduce the Fragility Syndrome of the Elderly (relationship between sarcopenia, which is the loss of muscles and low caloric intake) to through promoting new muscle mass formation, regularizing energy metabolism and returning functionality.

NAD IV Therapy 1

NAD regenerative therapy, or NAD IV therapy, boasts a wide range of benefits, one of which is the simplicity and convenience of the treatment process. Patients are able to sit comfortably in a chair and read, watch a TV show, or work on their laptop while the IV drip is administered through a small needle placed in the arm or hand. NAD IV therapy sessions last about 90 minutes and patients are able to return to their normal activities immediately afterwards, so therapy can be conducted after work or even over a long lunch break.

This innovative therapy may be simple in its administration, but on a cellular level, it provides numerous complex benefits. NAD IV therapy works by delivering the oxidized form of a coenzyme called nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) directly into the bloodstream. As you will learn in this article, NAD+ is used by the body to carry out a wide range of functions and delivering it through an IV allows more of the coenzyme to be absorbed by the body. NAD IV therapy circumvents the digestive system ensuring the NAD+ coenzyme doesn’t get broken down before it reaches the cells that need it most.

Benefits of NAD IV Therapy

Because the NAD+ coenzyme is utilized in a myriad of processes within the body, there are many benefits associated with NAD IV therapy. The following is a list of 8 major benefits of NAD IV therapy and how this treatment is helping a diverse group of patients achieve their health and wellness goals.

NAD IV therapy has been found to:

1. Aid in Addiction Recovery

Addiction is a complex psychological disorder that affects the way messages are conveyed to and from the brain. The recovery or cessation process can be a difficult one. In fact, 40 to 60% of people struggling with addiction relapse, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. 

NAD IV therapy is not a cure for addiction. However, it is a powerful tool that can aid in the recovery process by reducing withdrawal symptoms. By making the withdrawal period more tolerable, this therapy helps patients transition into sobriety. NAD IV therapy is a natural alternative to medications that often pose a greater risk of side effects, and it works well in conjunction with counseling or psychotherapy. NAD IV therapy has been used to help patients detoxify from alcohol, opioid, chemical, and prescription drug dependencies.

2. Reduce Pain

Sirtuins are a family of protein molecules that have been found to play a crucial role in the body’s inflammatory response and antioxidant expression. Basically, certain sirtuins can reduce inflammation, which in turn, alleviates pain. Sirtuins require the NAD+ coenzyme in order to function properly, so NAD IV therapy fuels this process of pain reduction.

3. Improve Cognitive Function

In addition to their impact on inflammation and pain, sirtuins have the ability to improve cells’ resistance to stress and can slow the process of cognitive decline. NAD IV therapy provides sirtuins with the NAD+ coenzyme they require in order to:

  • Improve mental clarity
  • Boost memory
  • Improve mood
  • Facilitate brain regeneration
  • Improve concentration
  • Increase one’s ability to focus
  • Boost neurological function
  • Reduce symptoms of depression

4. Boost Energy

Adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, is commonly referred to as “molecular currency” because it is essentially the source of energy for our cells. ATP is the fuel that supports many processes within the body, including cellular respiration, replication of DNA, and muscle contractions. NAD IV therapy aids the production of ATP within the body, which in turn boosts energy levels and reduces feelings of tiredness or exhaustion. NAD IV therapy is often prescribed to treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or CFS. It can also help people recovering from jetlag.

5. Improve Athletic Performance

Athletes and anyone looking to improve their physical performance will benefit from NAD IV therapy’s ability to boost energy and cognitive function, as mentioned above. After all, having more energy and being able to think clearly is sure to improve reaction times and overall performance during training and competitions. In addition, the NAD+ coenzyme plays a vital role in muscle development. NAD IV therapy helps maintain muscle health by supplying your body with ample fuel to not only fire muscles during a workout but repair them afterwards, so you can build stronger muscles and increase muscle mass. 

6. Help with Weight Management The NAD+ coenzyme plays an important role in the human body’s metabolic process. When NAD IV therapy is used in conjunction with a proper diet and regular exercise, it can help patients maintain a healthy weight. This can be particularly useful as patients age and metabolism naturally begins to slow down. 7. Reverse Signs of Aging We discussed how sirtuins can affect cognitive function, inflammation, and pain management, as well as how these deacetylases are dependent upon NAD+. One sirtuin in particular, known as Sir2p, also plays a role in the aging process and the overall healthspan of the body. NAD IV therapy impacts the effectiveness of Sir2p, which can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and reverse certain symptoms of aging. 8. Delay or Prevent the Onset of Certain Diseases While research is still ongoing and more studies are needed to fully understand the impact of the NAD+ coenzyme on various conditions, scientists have found a connection between this vital enzyme and several cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Lowered levels of NAD+ have been linked to diabetes and fatty liver disease, among other conditions. Interested in learning more about the benefits of NAD IV therapy? Book a consultation at Aspire Regenerative! Our clinicians can answer questions about this innovative therapy and help determine if this treatment could be right for you.