
Hormone Modulation / Anti-Age chip/
Growth Factors

Health Really is the new Wealth

Hormone modulation is part of Orthomolecular Nutrition. These hormones are prepared in cream, capsules, injections and in pellets called (chip), composed of testosterone, progesterone, gestrinone or others, known as bioidentical hormones since they are extracted from vegetables and we potentiate foods that can increase the manufacture of these hormones.

But the use of the chip is the most revolutionary, because these hormone pellets are injected under the skin, with the hormone in its natural molecular form, causing the release of hormones gradually and steadily, as if they were your own glands.

The Benefits of Hormone Modulation:

  • • Increase in physical and mental energy.
  • • Improves sleep quality, concentration and memory.
  • • Improves libido, mood, causing a constant feeling of well-being.
  • • Relieves the symptoms of women in the stage peri menopausal (hot flushes).
  • • Help with weight loss.
  • • Increase in bone density.
  • • Improves the quality of skin and hair.
  • • Helps increase muscle mass and force.
  • • Improves joint pain.

It is indicated in patients older than 40 years, with a greater benefit and favora- ble life change in people over 60 years.


Side effects are related to the dose used, acne or facial hair, both easy to solve. It should not be implanted in women who want to get pregnant in the next 6 months, or in men with active prostate cancer.

The duration is 6 months, but in some occasions, it can be a little less. The effects begin to be noticed two weeks later and the maximum pick in one month. It is ideal to accompany the treatment of healthy eating and an exercise program to enhance the results.

Multiple studies of hormones, especially testosterone, have shown effectiveness in breast cancer prevention, fibromyalgia control, anxiety and depression, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other neurological diseases.


Peptides, platelet rich plasma (prp) and exosomas

These factors are usually extracted from the patient’s plasma and stem cells. The latter secrete exosomes that carry messengers for the regeneration of specific tissues.
Through the use of peptides we increase the IGF to increase metabolism, the growth of new cells in muscles, bones and organs, improves the immune system, improves sleep quality, increases protein synthesis and improves organic functions.

PRP is performed fresh after activating the preparation with ozone or other substances. It is a simple outpatient technique, to naturally activate the cells responsible for determining the structure and quality of the skin.